One of the weapons of the enemy against us is fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of failure, fear of people’s opinions and so much more.
I made a promise to my self 2 years ago to always resist fear and never let it stop me from moving forward with God and fulfilling His purpose for my life. It’s like I had a glimpse of the future I could have and saw fear as one of the roadblocks that could hinder me. That single decision changed my life.
We cannot move forward with God unless we overcome our fears. Your purpose lies on the other side of your fears. God wants you to kill your fears and be content and confident of His presence within you. You see, having God’s presence also means having his power. Sometimes, I don’t think we fully grasp the power that we have working in, through, with and for us.
Just as Elisha told his servant in 2 Kings 6: 16“ DON’T BE AFRAID! FOR THERE IS MORE ON OUR SIDE THAN ON THIERS. I say the same to you today “Don’t be afraid! (insert your name) For there are more on your side than on theirs.
It’s time to drop the BUT’S & WHAT IF’S and walk confidently in who you were made to be.
Check out this YouTube video on 4 ways to overcome your fears.
Verse of the week:- 2 Timothy 1:7 ‘ For God has not given us a spirit of fear but of boldness, power and sound mind.
