What comes to mind when you hear the word follow? If you own a smartphone device or have heard about social media, then you may think of a button on Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, or other social media platforms that you can click to access some parts of a person's life.
I believe that associating that word with social media has caused us to develop a very shallow understanding of what it means to follow. Following is more than clicking a button, viewing a person's life from afar, and choosing which part to accept or discard.
When Jesus called his disciples, he said, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. Jesus didn't mean for them to view him from afar while going about their daily affairs. He meant something more!
And now, just as you accepted Jesus as your lord, you must continue to follow him. Let your roots grow down into him, & let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.~Colossians 2:6-7
In the above verse, Paul gives us some understanding of what it means to follow. Following Christ means that our roots must grow down into him and lives be built on him.

Christianity is the leading religion in the world with over 2.4 billion people. Yet out of the multitude who have accepted Christ only a few truly, follow him. Let's look at the difference between accepting and following. According to the dictionary, to accept is to receive something offered willingly. To follow is to come after, pursue, seek, and accept as an authority.
When we choose to follow Jesus we must come after, pursue, seek, and accept him as an authority over our lives. In these times, I believe that God is looking for those who will not only accept him but continue to follow him no matter the cost. Will you be among the few who continue to follow Jesus?
1. Follow in closeness:- We can't truly follow Christ from a distance. The farther our heart gets, the less likely we are to follow. That's why Christianity is not just about religion but a relationship. I must say that sometimes in our walk, some distance may arise because of distractions, discouragement, and disappointment, but we must continually lay aside every sin and weight that can slow down our pursuit.
2. Follow in love:- The burning passionate love of God in our hearts helps us continually follow Christ. If we love someone, we won't need to be forced to follow them. In the same way, following Christ becomes easy when we fall in love with him.
3. Follow in obedience:- Our obedience to God keeps us close to him. God loves us, but he hates sin. If we are to follow him, we must also love what he loves, hate what he hates, and do what he does. In John 14:21, Jesus promises to reveal himself to those who love and obey him.
4. Follow in service:- Though we are children of God, we are also servants. And though we are kings, we are also priests. We must imitate Christ's example by living a life of service to God, and our fellow brethren. Also, maintaining a servant's heart is how we can avoid pride which hinders our walk with God.
5. Follow in surrender:- Surrendering to God means that we live selflessly for him. It's no longer about you and I but about Jesus. Total surrender can be difficult because of our selfish nature, but as we follow closely, his Spirit helps us.
6. Follow in trust:- Trust is the foundation of every lasting relationship. It's hard to follow someone you don't trust. Trusting God enables us to keep going after him when life gets hard, and we don't understand.
The bottom line is,
If you want to walk in freedom, you must follow.
If you want to walk in purpose, you must follow.
If you want to walk in holiness, you must follow.
If you want to walk in truth, you must follow.
If you want to grow in faith, you must follow.
If you want to prosper, you must follow.
If you want eternal life, you must follow.
Those we choose to follow in life are those we allow to influence us. And who better to influence us than Christ himself, who will never lead us astray? Accept Jesus into your life today! continue to follow him, and he'll turn your life around for good.
Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.~John 12:26
I accept Jesus as my savior and Lord.
The Lord leads me, and I follow him.
I will not allow anything or anyone to hinder my pursuit.
I follow Christ daily in closeness, love, obedience, service, surrender, and trust.