FEAR NOT! Is the most repeated command in the bible. These words were always given as an instruction to God’s people. An instruction, when obeyed, brought about great victory and progress. Fear is dangerous because of its crippling effects on our lives. It makes us lose perspective of who God is, leaving us feeling weak, hopeless, and defeated.
Fear isn’t a part of God’s nature. God doesn’t move through fear only through faith. Therefore, before He can move in our lives, we must agree with Him in faith.
We can overcome fear by choosing to be courageous. Courage is the mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty. When God called Joshua to lead the Israelites. He said:
Be strong and courageous, for you are the one who will lead these people to possess all the land I swore to their ancestors I would give them. -Joshua 1:6
God addressed Joshua’s fears instructing him to be courageous because He knew the challenges that Joshua would face in the future. We also face challenges daily in life. Challenges that sometimes leave us feeling overwhelmed and confused.
It takes courage to move forward with God.
It takes courage to walk in purpose.
It takes courage to let go of the past and embrace the future.
It takes courage to advance in the face of adversity. To choose faith when hardship, sickness, or death is staring you in the face.
BE COURAGEOUS! is not a suggestion, but an instruction to be obeyed in order to experience the manifestation of God’s promises in our lives.
How to be more courageous
1. Choose Wisely
There will always be moments in life where you’ll have to choose between moving forward or being held back by fear. It doesn’t take much effort to be fearful, but courage on the other hand takes some effort. Courage is a choice, and it begins in the mind. We can’t think negative and fearful thoughts and expect to take courageous actions. Many of our choices are often affected by how we think, so be intentional about what you allow to dominate your mind. Shift your mindset from defeat to victory, and choose to focus on the right things.
2. Listen & Believe
As children of God, we are never alone, God lives in us. In times when fear speaks, His Spirit in us speaks too, giving words of love and assurance, letting us know that He is with us in the fight. The problem is that we aren’t always listening and we don’t really believe. Our minds are mostly preoccupied with the problems we face. Listen! God doesn’t lie. The more you believe what He says about you, the more confident you’ll be to step out.
3. Connect
The Holy Spirit is the source of strength and boldness. 2 Timothy 1:7. It’s in and through Him that we can enjoy an endless supply of strength. When God called Gideon, he was fearful and insecure like many of us would be. But when the Spirit of the Lord came upon him, He imparted him with the strength and boldness needed to fulfill his call. Judges 6:34.
We can’t fulfill our purpose or defeat our enemies without a supernatural endowment and enablement from above. The more connected and open you are to the Holy Spirit, the more courageous you’ll become. Don’t depend on your own strength but on the strength of God in you. Zechariah 4:6
4. Get Knowledge
There’s a boldness that rises up in you when you know who you are in Christ. The world is full of lies. Lies of how helpless, insufficient, and incapable we are. But in God, we find the truth of who we are, and what we can do in Christ. We get knowledge of who we are through God’s word, and the truth of His word sets us free from fear. Prioritize your time in God’s word. Get knowledge of who He is and who you are in Him. His truth will empower you to move forward.
It’s time to step out! You’ve held yourself back for too long by letting fear rule you. God is waiting on you. He is with you, for you, and wants to be glorified through you. Taste and see that He is good.
Bible verse to ponder on:
Deuteronomy 31:6– Be strong and courageous. Don’t be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.
